이 리뷰는 서로 밀접하게 연관된 세 가지 리뷰 중 하나로, 동시에 진행된다:
이 리뷰들이 동시에 진행되는 이유는 이들이 서로 강하게 상호작용하기 때문이다 (예: 표준 라이브러리의 API 변경은 특정 가이드라인에 해당하거나, 임포터 규칙이 특정 가이드라인을 구현하는 등). 이러한 상호작용과 논의를 관리하기 위해 다음 사항을 요청한다:
Swift 3의 일환으로 개발 중인 Swift API 설계 가이드라인이 있다. 표준 라이브러리는 Swift API 설계 가이드라인의 모범이 되어야 한다. 표준 라이브러리의 API는 어떤 애플리케이션 도메인에서도 가장 빈번히 사용되는 Swift API일 뿐만 아니라, 다른 라이브러리에도 선례를 제공하기 때문이다.
이 프로젝트에서는 표준 라이브러리 전체를 검토하고 가이드라인을 따르도록 업데이트한다.
실제 작업은 Swift 저장소의 swift-3-api-guidelines 브랜치에서 진행 중이다. 주요 변경 사항은 다음과 같다.
프로토콜 이름에서 Type
접미사를 제거한다. 특수한 경우에는 타입 이름과 충돌을 피하기 위해 Protocol
접미사를 추가한다. (대부분의 경우 Swift 3 언어 기능으로 대체될 것으로 예상한다.)
개념을 모든 API에서 iterator
로 변경한다.
의 인덱스로만 사용되던 Bit
타입을 제거한다. 대신 Int
를 사용할 것을 권장한다.
unsafe 포인터 타입의 제네릭 매개변수 이름을 Memory
에서 Pointee
로 변경한다.
unsafe 포인터 타입에서 인수가 없는 이니셜라이저를 제거한다. 대신 nil
리터럴을 사용할 것을 권장한다.
를 제거한다.
을 제거한다. 대신 Collection where SubSequence : MutableCollection
을 사용한다.
=> sorted()
, sortInPlace()
=> sort()
로 변경한다.
=> reversed()
로 변경한다.
=> enumerated()
로 변경한다.
API를 단순화한다. 이제 컬렉션 슬라이싱과 더 잘 조합된다.
=> .min()
, .maxElement()
=> .max()
로 변경한다.
시퀀스 및 컬렉션 어댑터의 일부 이니셜라이저를 제거한다. 대신 해당 알고리즘 함수나 메서드를 호출할 것을 권장한다.
일부 함수를 프로퍼티로 변경하거나 그 반대로 변경한다.
nul-terminated UTF-8 데이터(일명 C-strings)를 다루는 String
팩토리 메서드를 이니셜라이저로 변경한다.
Swift 2.2 표준 라이브러리 API와 제안하는 API 간의 차이점은 swift-3-api-guidelines 브랜치에서 구현되면서 이 섹션에 추가된다. 많은 타입에 영향을 미치는 반복적인 변경사항의 경우, 대표적인 예시 하나만 보여준다. 예를 들어, generate()
는 makeIterator()
로 이름이 변경되었다. 이 메서드의 프로토콜 요구사항만 보여주고, 이 메서드의 다른 모든 이름 변경은 생략한다. 타입 이름이 변경된 경우, 타입 선언에 대한 차이점만 보여주고, 해당 이름이 사용된 API에 미치는 다른 모든 효과는 생략한다.
프로토콜 이름에서 Type
접미사 제거.
-public protocol BooleanType { ... }
+public protocol Boolean { ... }
-public protocol SequenceType { ... }
+public protocol Sequence { ... }
-public protocol CollectionType : ... { ... }
+public protocol Collection : ... { ... }
-public protocol MutableCollectionType : ... { ... }
+public protocol MutableCollection : ... { ... }
-public protocol RangeReplaceableCollectionType : ... { ... }
+public protocol RangeReplaceableCollection : ... { ... }
-public protocol AnyCollectionType : ... { ... }
+public protocol AnyCollectionProtocol : ... { ... }
-public protocol IntegerType : ... { ... }
+public protocol Integer : ... { ... }
-public protocol SignedIntegerType : ... { ... }
+public protocol SignedInteger : ... { ... }
-public protocol UnsignedIntegerType : ... { ... }
+public protocol UnsignedInteger : ... { ... }
-public protocol FloatingPointType : ... { ... }
+public protocol FloatingPoint : ... { ... }
-public protocol ForwardIndexType { ... }
+public protocol ForwardIndex { ... }
-public protocol BidirectionalIndexType : ... { ... }
+public protocol BidirectionalIndex : ... { ... }
-public protocol RandomAccessIndexType : ... { ... }
+public protocol RandomAccessIndex : ... { ... }
-public protocol IntegerArithmeticType : ... { ... }
+public protocol IntegerArithmetic : ... { ... }
-public protocol SignedNumberType : ... { ... }
+public protocol SignedNumber : ... { ... }
-public protocol IntervalType : ... { ... }
+public protocol Interval { ... }
-public protocol LazyCollectionType : ... { ... }
+public protocol LazyCollectionProtocol : ... { ... }
-public protocol LazySequenceType : ... { ... }
+public protocol LazySequenceProtocol : ... { ... }
-public protocol OptionSetType : ... { ... }
+public protocol OptionSet : ... { ... }
-public protocol OutputStreamType : ... { ... }
+public protocol OutputStream : ... { ... }
-public protocol BitwiseOperationsType { ... }
+public protocol BitwiseOperations { ... }
-public protocol ReverseIndexType : ... { ... }
+public protocol ReverseIndexProtocol : ... { ... }
-public protocol SetAlgebraType : ... { ... }
+public protocol SetAlgebra : ... { ... }
-public protocol UnicodeCodecType { ... }
+public protocol UnicodeCodec { ... }
-public protocol CVarArgType { ... }
+public protocol CVarArg { ... }
-public protocol MirrorPathType { ... }
+public protocol MirrorPath { ... }
-public protocol ErrorType { ... }
+public protocol ErrorProtocol { ... }
모든 API에서 “generator” 개념을 “iterator”로 이름 변경.
-public protocol GeneratorType { ... }
+public protocol IteratorProtocol { ... }
public protocol Collection : ... {
- associatedtype Generator : GeneratorType = IndexingGenerator<Self>
+ associatedtype Iterator : IteratorProtocol = IndexingIterator<Self>
- func generate() -> Generator
+ func makeIterator() -> Iterator
-public struct IndexingGenerator<Elements : Indexable> : ... { ... }
+public struct IndexingIterator<Elements : Indexable> : ... { ... }
-public struct GeneratorOfOne<Element> : ... { ... }
+public struct IteratorOverOne<Element> : ... { ... }
-public struct EmptyGenerator<Element> : ... { ... }
+public struct EmptyIterator<Element> : ... { ... }
-public struct AnyGenerator<Element> : ... { ... }
+public struct AnyIterator<Element> : ... { ... }
-public struct LazyFilterGenerator<Base : GeneratorType> : ... { ... }
+public struct LazyFilterIterator<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... { ... }
-public struct FlattenGenerator<Base : ...> : ... { ... }
+public struct FlattenIterator<Base : ...> : ... { ... }
-public struct JoinGenerator<Base : ...> : ... { ... }
+public struct JoinedIterator<Base : ...> : ... { ... }
-public struct LazyMapGenerator<Base : ...> ... { ... }
+public struct LazyMapIterator<Base : ...> ... { ... }
-public struct RangeGenerator<Element : ForwardIndexType> : ... { ... }
+public struct RangeIterator<Element : ForwardIndex> : ... { ... }
-public struct GeneratorSequence<Base : GeneratorType> : ... { ... }
+public struct IteratorSequence<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... { ... }
-public struct StrideToGenerator<Element : Strideable> : ... { ... }
+public struct StrideToIterator<Element : Strideable> : ... { ... }
-public struct StrideThroughGenerator<Element : Strideable> : ... { ... }
+public struct StrideThroughIterator<Element : Strideable> : ... { ... }
-public struct UnsafeBufferPointerGenerator<Element> : ... { ... }
+public struct UnsafeBufferPointerIterator<Element> : ... { ... }
의 인덱스로만 사용되던 Bit
타입이 제거되었다. 대신 Int
를 사용할 것을 권장한다.
-public enum Bit : ... { ... }
가 제거되었다.
-public struct PermutationGenerator<
- C : CollectionType, Indices : SequenceType
- where C.Index == Indices.Generator.Element
-> : ... { ... }
이 제거되었다. 대신 Collection where SubSequence : MutableCollection
을 사용한다.
-public protocol MutableSliceable : CollectionType, MutableCollectionType {
- subscript(_: Range<Index>) -> SubSequence { get set }
불안전한 포인터 타입의 제네릭 매개변수 이름이 Memory
에서 Pointee
로 변경되었다.
불안전한 포인터 타입에서 인수가 없는 초기화 메서드가 제거되었다. 대신 nil
리터럴을 사용할 것을 권장한다.
// `UnsafePointer`, `UnsafeMutablePointer`, `AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointer`에도 동일한 변경사항 적용.
public struct UnsafePointer<
- Memory
+ Pointee
> ... : {
- public var memory: Memory { get set }
+ public var pointee: Pointee { get set }
// `nil`을 사용한다.
- public init()
public struct OpaquePointer : ... {
// `nil`을 사용한다.
- public init()
=> sorted()
, sortInPlace()
=> sort()
. 또한 클로저에 인수 레이블이 추가되었다.
extension Sequence where Self.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
- public func sort() -> [Generator.Element]
+ public func sorted() -> [Iterator.Element]
extension Sequence {
- public func sort(
+ public func sorted(
- @noescape isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
+ @noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> [Iterator.Element]
extension MutableCollection where Self.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
- public func sort() -> [Generator.Element]
+ public func sorted() -> [Iterator.Element]
extension MutableCollection {
- public func sort(
+ public func sorted(
- @noescape isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
+ @noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> [Iterator.Element]
extension MutableCollection
Self.Index : RandomAccessIndex,
Self.Iterator.Element : Comparable {
- public mutating func sortInPlace()
+ public mutating func sort()
extension MutableCollection where Self.Index : RandomAccessIndex {
- public mutating func sortInPlace(
+ public mutating func sort(
- @noescape isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
+ @noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
=> reversed()
extension SequenceType {
- public func reverse() -> [Generator.Element]
+ public func reversed() -> [Iterator.Element]
extension CollectionType where Index : BidirectionalIndexType {
- public func reverse() -> ReverseCollection<Self>
+ public func reversed() -> ReverseCollection<Self>
extension CollectionType where Index : RandomAccessIndexType {
- public func reverse() -> ReverseRandomAccessCollection<Self>
+ public func reversed() -> ReverseRandomAccessCollection<Self>
extension LazyCollectionProtocol
where Index : BidirectionalIndexType, Elements.Index : BidirectionalIndexType {
- public func reverse()
+ public func reversed()
-> LazyCollection<ReverseCollection<Elements>>
extension LazyCollectionProtocol
where Index : RandomAccessIndexType, Elements.Index : RandomAccessIndexType {
- public func reverse()
+ public func reversed()
-> LazyCollection<ReverseRandomAccessCollection<Elements>>
=> enumerated()
extension Sequence {
- public func enumerate() -> EnumerateSequence<Self>
+ public func enumerated() -> EnumeratedSequence<Self>
-public struct EnumerateSequence<Base : SequenceType> : ... { ... }
+public struct EnumeratedSequence<Base : Sequence> : ... { ... }
-public struct EnumerateGenerator<Base : GeneratorType> : ... { ... }
+public struct EnumeratedIterator<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... { ... }
API가 단순화되었다: 범위 인수가 제거되었다. 이제 컬렉션 슬라이싱과 더 잘 조합되며, 다른 컬렉션 알고리즘과 더 일관성이 있다. 또한 클로저에 @noescape
와 인수 레이블이 추가되었다.
extension MutableCollection where Index : RandomAccessIndex {
public mutating func partition(
- range: Range<Index>,
- isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
+ @noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) -> Bool
) -> Index
extension MutableCollection
where Index : RandomAccessIndex, Iterator.Element : Comparable {
- public mutating func partition(range: Range<Index>) -> Index
+ public mutating func partition() -> Index
=> .min()
, .maxElement()
=> .max()
. 또한 클로저에 인수 레이블이 추가되었다.
extension Sequence {
- public func minElement(
+ public func min(
- @noescape isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
+ @noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Iterator.Element?
- public func maxElement(
+ public func max(
- @noescape isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
+ @noescape isOrderedBefore isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Iterator.Element?
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element : Comparable {
- public func minElement() -> Iterator.Element?
+ public func min() -> Iterator.Element?
- public func maxElement() -> Iterator.Element?
+ public func max() -> Iterator.Element?
시퀀스, 컬렉션, 이터레이터 어댑터의 일부 초기화 메서드가 제거되었다. 대신 해당 알고리즘 함수나 메서드를 호출할 것을 권장한다.
extension Repeated {
- public init(count: Int, repeatedValue: Element)
+/// `elementInstance`를 `n`번 반복하는 컬렉션을 반환한다.
+public func repeatElement<T>(element: T, count n: Int) -> Repeated<T>
public struct LazyMapSequence<Base : Sequence, Element> : ... {
// 시퀀스에서 `.lazy.map`을 호출한다.
- public init(_ base: Base, transform: (Base.Generator.Element) -> Element)
public struct LazyMapCollection<Base : Collection, Element> : ... {
// 컬렉션에서 `.lazy.map`을 호출한다.
- public init(_ base: Base, transform: (Base.Generator.Element) -> Element)
public struct LazyFilterIterator<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... {
// 시퀀스에서 `.lazy.filter`을 호출한다.
- public init(
- _ base: Base,
- whereElementsSatisfy predicate: (Base.Element) -> Bool
- )
public struct RangeIterator<Element : ForwardIndex> : ... {
// 컬렉션에서 'generate()' 메서드를 사용한다.
- public init(_ bounds: Range<Element>)
// '..<' 연산자를 사용한다.
- public init(start: Element, end: Element)
public struct ReverseCollection<Base : ...> : ... {
// 컬렉션에서 'reverse()' 메서드를 사용한다.
- public init(_ base: Base)
public struct ReverseRandomAccessCollection<Base : ...> : ... {
// 컬렉션에서 'reverse()' 메서드를 사용한다.
- public init(_ base: Base)
public struct Slice<Base : Indexable> : ... {
// 슬라이싱 문법을 사용한다.
- public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>)
public struct MutableSlice<Base : MutableIndexable> : ... {
// 슬라이싱 문법을 사용한다.
- public init(base: Base, bounds: Range<Index>)
public struct EnumeratedIterator<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... {
// 'enumerated()' 메서드를 사용한다.
- public init(_ base: Base)
public struct EnumeratedSequence<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... {
// 'enumerated()' 메서드를 사용한다.
- public init(_ base: Base)
public struct IndexingIterator<Elements : Indexable> : ... {
// 컬렉션에서 'iterator()'를 호출한다.
- public init(_elements: Elements)
public struct HalfOpenInterval<Bound : Comparable> : ... {
// '..<' 연산자를 사용한다.
- public init(_ start: Bound, _ end: Bound)
public struct ClosedInterval<Bound : Comparable> : ... {
// '...' 연산자를 사용한다.
- public init(_ start: Bound, _ end: Bound)
일부 함수가 프로퍼티로 변경되었고, 그 반대도 있다.
-public func unsafeUnwrap<T>(nonEmpty: T?) -> T
extension Optional {
+ public var unsafelyUnwrapped: Wrapped { get }
public struct Mirror {
- public func superclassMirror() -> Mirror?
+ public var superclassMirror: Mirror? { get }
public protocol CustomReflectable {
- func customMirror() -> Mirror
+ var customMirror: Mirror { get }
public protocol Collection : ... {
- public func underestimateCount() -> Int
+ public var underestimatedCount: Int { get }
public protocol CustomPlaygroundQuickLookable {
- func customPlaygroundQuickLook() -> PlaygroundQuickLook
+ var customPlaygroundQuickLook: PlaygroundQuickLook { get }
extension String {
- public var lowercaseString: String { get }
+ public func lowercased()
- public var uppercaseString: String { get }
+ public func uppercased()
public enum UnicodeDecodingResult {
- public func isEmptyInput() -> Bool {
+ public var isEmptyInput: Bool
기본 이름과 인수 레이블이 첫 번째 인수 레이블에 대한 가이드라인을 따르도록 변경되었다. (이 카테고리의 일부 변경사항은 이미 차이점에 명시되어 있으며 반복되지 않는다.)
public protocol ForwardIndex {
- func advancedBy(n: Distance) -> Self
+ func advanced(by n: Distance) -> Self
- func advancedBy(n: Distance, limit: Self) -> Self
+ func advanced(by n: Distance, limit: Self) -> Self
- func distanceTo(end: Self) -> Distance
+ func distance(to end: Self) -> Distance
public struct Set<Element : Hashable> : ... {
- public mutating func removeAtIndex(index: Index) -> Element
+ public mutating func remove(at index: Index) -> Element
public struct Dictionary<Key : Hashable, Value> : ... {
- public mutating func removeAtIndex(index: Index) -> Element
+ public mutating func remove(at index: Index) -> Element
- public func indexForKey(key: Key) -> Index?
+ public func index(forKey key: Key) -> Index?
- public mutating func removeValueForKey(key: Key) -> Value?
+ public mutating func removeValue(forKey key: Key) -> Value?
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element : Sequence {
// joinWithSeparator(_:) => join(separator:)
- public func joinWithSeparator<
+ public func joined<
Separator : Sequence
Separator.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element.Iterator.Element
- >(separator: Separator) -> JoinSequence<Self>
+ >(separator separator: Separator) -> JoinedSequence<Self>
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == String {
- public func joinWithSeparator(separator: String) -> String
+ public func joined(separator separator: String) -> String
public class ManagedBuffer<Value, Element> : ... {
public final class func create(
- minimumCapacity: Int,
+ minimumCapacity minimumCapacity: Int,
initialValue: (ManagedProtoBuffer<Value, Element>) -> Value
) -> ManagedBuffer<Value, Element>
public protocol Streamable {
- func writeTo<Target : OutputStream>(inout target: Target)
+ func write<Target : OutputStream>(inout to target: Target)
public func dump<T, TargetStream : OutputStream>(
value: T,
- inout _ target: TargetStream,
+ inout to target: TargetStream,
name: String? = nil,
indent: Int = 0,
maxDepth: Int = .max,
maxItems: Int = .max
) -> T
extension Sequence {
- public func startsWith<
+ public func starts<
PossiblePrefix : Sequence where PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
- possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix,
+ with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix,
@noescape isEquivalent: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Bool
- public func startsWith<
+ public func starts<
PossiblePrefix : Sequence where PossiblePrefix.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
- possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix
+ with possiblePrefix: PossiblePrefix
) -> Bool
extension CollectionType where Iterator.Element : Equatable {
- public func indexOf(element: Iterator.Element) -> Index?
+ public func index(of element: Iterator.Element) -> Index?
extension CollectionType {
- public func indexOf(predicate: (Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index?
+ public func index(where predicate: (Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Index?
extension String.Index {
- public func samePositionIn(utf8: String.UTF8View) -> String.UTF8View.Index
+ public func samePosition(in utf8: String.UTF8View) -> String.UTF8View.Index
- public func samePositionIn(utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
+ public func samePosition(in utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
- public func samePositionIn(unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
+ public func samePosition(in unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
extension String.UTF16View.Index {
- public func samePositionIn(characters: String) -> String.Index
+ public func samePosition(in characters: String) -> String.Index
- public func samePositionIn(utf8: String.UTF8View) -> String.UTF8View.Index
+ public func samePosition(in utf8: String.UTF8View) -> String.UTF8View.Index
- public func samePositionIn(unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
+ public func samePosition(in unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
extension String.UTF8View.Index {
- public func samePositionIn(characters: String) -> String.Index
+ public func samePosition(in characters: String) -> String.Index
- public func samePositionIn(utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
+ public func samePosition(in utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
- public func samePositionIn(unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
+ public func samePosition(in unicodeScalars: String.UnicodeScalarView) -> String.UnicodeScalarView.Index
extension String.UnicodeScalarView.Index {
- public func samePositionIn(characters: String) -> String.Index
+ public func samePosition(in characters: String) -> String.Index
- public func samePositionIn(utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
+ public func samePosition(in utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
- public func samePositionIn(utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
+ public func samePosition(in utf16: String.UTF16View) -> String.UTF16View.Index
열거형 케이스와 정적 프로퍼티를 소문자로 변경.
public struct Float {
- public static var NaN: Float
+ public static var nan: Float
public struct Double {
- public static var NaN: Double
+ public static var nan: Double
public struct CGFloat {
- public static var NaN: CGFloat
+ public static var nan: CGFloat
public protocol FloatingPoint : ... {
- static var NaN: Self { get }
+ static var nan: Self { get }
public enum FloatingPointClassification {
- case SignalingNaN
+ case signalingNaN
- case QuietNaN
+ case quietNaN
- case NegativeInfinity
+ case negativeInfinity
- case NegativeNormal
+ case negativeNormal
- case NegativeSubnormal
+ case negativeSubnormal
- case NegativeZero
+ case negativeZero
- case PositiveZero
+ case positiveZero
- case PositiveSubnormal
+ case positiveSubnormal
- case PositiveNormal
+ case positiveNormal
- case PositiveInfinity
+ case positiveInfinity
public enum ImplicitlyUnwrappedOptional<Wrapped> : ... {
- case None
+ case none
- case Some(Wrapped)
+ case some(Wrapped)
public enum Optional<Wrapped> : ... {
- case None
+ case none
- case Some(Wrapped)
+ case some(Wrapped)
public struct Mirror {
public enum AncestorRepresentation {
- case Generated
+ case generated
- case Customized(() -> Mirror)
+ case customized(() -> Mirror)
- case Suppressed
+ case suppressed
public enum DisplayStyle {
- case struct, class, enum, tuple, optional, collection
+ case `struct`, `class`, `enum`, tuple, optional, collection
- case dictionary, `set`
+ case dictionary, `set`
public enum PlaygroundQuickLook {
- case Text(String)
+ case text(String)
- case Int(Int64)
+ case int(Int64)
- case UInt(UInt64)
+ case uInt(UInt64)
- case Float(Float32)
+ case float(Float32)
- case Double(Float64)
+ case double(Float64)
- case Image(Any)
+ case image(Any)
- case Sound(Any)
+ case sound(Any)
- case Color(Any)
+ case color(Any)
- case BezierPath(Any)
+ case bezierPath(Any)
- case AttributedString(Any)
+ case attributedString(Any)
- case Rectangle(Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64)
+ case rectangle(Float64,Float64,Float64,Float64)
- case Point(Float64,Float64)
+ case point(Float64,Float64)
- case Size(Float64,Float64)
+ case size(Float64,Float64)
- case Logical(Bool)
+ case bool(Bool)
- case Range(Int64, Int64)
+ case range(Int64, Int64)
- case View(Any)
+ case view(Any)
- case Sprite(Any)
+ case sprite(Any)
- case URL(String)
+ case url(String)
- case _Raw([UInt8], String)
+ case _raw([UInt8], String)
널 종료 UTF-8 데이터(즉, C 문자열)를 다루는 String
팩토리 메서드가 초기화 메서드로 변경.
extension String {
- public static func fromCString(cs: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> String?
+ public init?(validatingUTF8 cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
- public static func fromCStringRepairingIllFormedUTF8(cs: UnsafePointer<CChar>) -> (String?, hadError: Bool)
+ public init(cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
+ public static func decodeCString<Encoding : UnicodeCodec>(
+ cString: UnsafePointer<Encoding.CodeUnit>,
+ as encoding: Encoding.Type,
+ repairingInvalidCodeUnits isReparing: Bool = true)
+ -> (result: String, repairsMade: Bool)?
에서 임포트된 메서드를 반영하는 String
메서드 이름 변경.
extension String {
- public static func localizedNameOfStringEncoding(
- encoding: NSStringEncoding
- ) -> String
+ public static func localizedName(
+ ofStringEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding
+ ) -> String
- public static func pathWithComponents(components: [String]) -> String
+ public static func path(withComponents components: [String]) -> String
- public init?(UTF8String bytes: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
+ public init?(utf8String bytes: UnsafePointer<CChar>)
- public func canBeConvertedToEncoding(encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> Bool
+ public func canBeConverted(toEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> Bool
- public var capitalizedString: String
+ public var capitalized: String
- public var localizedCapitalizedString: String
+ public var localizedCapitalized: String
- public func capitalizedStringWithLocale(locale: NSLocale?) -> String
+ public func capitalized(with locale: NSLocale?) -> String
- public func commonPrefixWithString(
- aString: String, options: NSStringCompareOptions) -> String
+ public func commonPrefix(
+ with aString: String, options: NSStringCompareOptions = []) -> String
- public func completePathIntoString(
- outputName: UnsafeMutablePointer<String> = nil,
- caseSensitive: Bool,
- matchesIntoArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<[String]> = nil,
- filterTypes: [String]? = nil
- ) -> Int
+ public func completePath(
+ into outputName: UnsafeMutablePointer<String> = nil,
+ caseSensitive: Bool,
+ matchesInto matchesIntoArray: UnsafeMutablePointer<[String]> = nil,
+ filterTypes: [String]? = nil
+ ) -> Int
- public func componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet(
- separator: NSCharacterSet
- ) -> [String]
+ public func componentsSeparatedByCharacters(
+ in separator: NSCharacterSet
+ ) -> [String]
- public func componentsSeparatedByString(separator: String) -> [String]
+ public func componentsSeparated(by separator: String) -> [String]
- public func cStringUsingEncoding(encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> [CChar]?
+ public func cString(usingEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> [CChar]?
- public func dataUsingEncoding(
- encoding: NSStringEncoding,
- allowLossyConversion: Bool = false
- ) -> NSData?
+ public func data(
+ usingEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding,
+ allowLossyConversion: Bool = false
+ ) -> NSData?
- public func enumerateLinguisticTagsInRange(
- range: Range<Index>,
- scheme tagScheme: String,
- options opts: NSLinguisticTaggerOptions,
- orthography: NSOrthography?,
- _ body:
- (String, Range<Index>, Range<Index>, inout Bool) -> ()
- )
+ public func enumerateLinguisticTags(
+ in range: Range<Index>,
+ scheme tagScheme: String,
+ options opts: NSLinguisticTaggerOptions = [],
+ orthography: NSOrthography? = nil,
+ _ body:
+ (String, Range<Index>, Range<Index>, inout Bool) -> ()
+ )
- public func enumerateSubstringsInRange(
- range: Range<Index>,
- options opts:NSStringEnumerationOptions,
- _ body: (
- substring: String?, substringRange: Range<Index>,
- enclosingRange: Range<Index>, inout Bool
- ) -> ()
- )
+ public func enumerateSubstrings(
+ in range: Range<Index>,
+ options opts:NSStringEnumerationOptions = [],
+ _ body: (
+ substring: String?, substringRange: Range<Index>,
+ enclosingRange: Range<Index>, inout Bool
+ ) -> ()
+ )
- public func fileSystemRepresentation() -> [CChar]
+ public var fileSystemRepresentation: [CChar]
- public func getBytes(
- inout buffer: [UInt8],
- maxLength maxBufferCount: Int,
- usedLength usedBufferCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
- encoding: NSStringEncoding,
- options: NSStringEncodingConversionOptions,
- range: Range<Index>,
- remainingRange leftover: UnsafeMutablePointer<Range<Index>>
- ) -> Bool
+ public func getBytes(
+ inout buffer: [UInt8],
+ maxLength maxBufferCount: Int,
+ usedLength usedBufferCount: UnsafeMutablePointer<Int>,
+ encoding: NSStringEncoding,
+ options: NSStringEncodingConversionOptions = [],
+ range: Range<Index>,
+ remaining leftover: UnsafeMutablePointer<Range<Index>>
+ ) -> Bool
- public func getLineStart(
- start: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
- end: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
- contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
- forRange: Range<Index>
- )
+ public func getLineStart(
+ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
+ end: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
+ contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
+ for range: Range<Index>
+ )
- public func getParagraphStart(
- start: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
- end: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
- contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
- forRange: Range<Index>
- )
+ public func getParagraphStart(
+ start: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
+ end: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
+ contentsEnd: UnsafeMutablePointer<Index>,
+ for range: Range<Index>
+ )
public init(
- contentsOfURL url: NSURL,
+ contentsOf url: NSURL,
encoding enc: NSStringEncoding
) throws
public init(
- contentsOfURL url: NSURL,
+ contentsOf url: NSURL,
usedEncoding enc: UnsafeMutablePointer<NSStringEncoding> = nil
) throws
public init?(
- CString: UnsafePointer<CChar>,
+ cString: UnsafePointer<CChar>,
encoding enc: NSStringEncoding
- public init(format: String, _ arguments: CVarArgType...)
+ public init(format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...)
- public init(format: String, arguments: [CVarArgType])
+ public init(format: String, arguments: [CVarArg])
- public init(format: String, locale: NSLocale?, _ args: CVarArgType...)
+ public init(format: String, locale: NSLocale?, _ args: CVarArg...)
- public init(format: String, locale: NSLocale?, arguments: [CVarArgType])
+ public init(format: String, locale: NSLocale?, arguments: [CVarArg])
- public func lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> Int
+ public func lengthOfBytes(usingEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> Int
- public func lineRangeForRange(aRange: Range<Index>) -> Range<Index>
+ public func lineRange(for aRange: Range<Index>) -> Range<Index>
- public func linguisticTagsInRange(
- range: Range<Index>,
- scheme tagScheme: String,
- options opts: NSLinguisticTaggerOptions = [],
- orthography: NSOrthography? = nil,
- tokenRanges: UnsafeMutablePointer<[Range<Index>]> = nil // FIXME:Can this be nil?
- ) -> [String]
+ public func linguisticTags(
+ in range: Range<Index>,
+ scheme tagScheme: String,
+ options opts: NSLinguisticTaggerOptions = [],
+ orthography: NSOrthography? = nil,
+ tokenRanges: UnsafeMutablePointer<[Range<Index>]> = nil // FIXME:Can this be nil?
+ ) -> [String]
- public var localizedLowercaseString: String
+ public var localizedLowercase: String
- public func lowercaseStringWithLocale(locale: NSLocale?) -> String
+ public func lowercaseString(with locale: NSLocale?) -> String
- func maximumLengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> Int
+ func maximumLengthOfBytes(usingEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding) -> Int
- public func paragraphRangeForRange(aRange: Range<Index>) -> Range<Index>
+ public func paragraphRange(for aRange: Range<Index>) -> Range<Index>
- public func rangeOfCharacterFromSet(
- aSet: NSCharacterSet,
- options mask:NSStringCompareOptions = [],
- range aRange: Range<Index>? = nil
- ) -> Range<Index>?
+ public func rangeOfCharacter(
+ from aSet: NSCharacterSet,
+ options mask:NSStringCompareOptions = [],
+ range aRange: Range<Index>? = nil
+ ) -> Range<Index>?
- func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequenceAtIndex(anIndex: Index) -> Range<Index>
+ func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequence(at anIndex: Index) -> Range<Index>
- public func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequencesForRange(
- range: Range<Index>
- ) -> Range<Index>
+ public func rangeOfComposedCharacterSequences(
+ for range: Range<Index>
+ ) -> Range<Index>
- public func rangeOfString(
- aString: String,
- options mask: NSStringCompareOptions = [],
- range searchRange: Range<Index>? = nil,
- locale: NSLocale? = nil
- ) -> Range<Index>?
+ public func range(
+ of aString: String,
+ options mask: NSStringCompareOptions = [],
+ range searchRange: Range<Index>? = nil,
+ locale: NSLocale? = nil
+ ) -> Range<Index>?
- public func localizedStandardContainsString(string: String) -> Bool
+ public func localizedStandardContains(string: String) -> Bool
- public func localizedStandardRangeOfString(string: String) -> Range<Index>?
+ public func localizedStandardRange(of string: String) -> Range<Index>?
- public var stringByAbbreviatingWithTildeInPath: String
+ public var abbreviatingWithTildeInPath: String
- public func stringByAddingPercentEncodingWithAllowedCharacters(
- allowedCharacters: NSCharacterSet
- ) -> String?
+ public func addingPercentEncoding(
+ withAllowedCharacters allowedCharacters: NSCharacterSet
+ ) -> String?
- public func stringByAddingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(
- encoding: NSStringEncoding
- ) -> String?
+ public func addingPercentEscapes(
+ usingEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding
+ ) -> String?
- public func stringByAppendingFormat(
- format: String, _ arguments: CVarArgType...
- ) -> String
+ public func appendingFormat(
+ format: String, _ arguments: CVarArg...
+ ) -> String
- public func stringByAppendingPathComponent(aString: String) -> String
+ public func appendingPathComponent(aString: String) -> String
- public func stringByAppendingPathExtension(ext: String) -> String?
+ public func appendingPathExtension(ext: String) -> String?
- public func stringByAppendingString(aString: String) -> String
+ public func appending(aString: String) -> String
- public var stringByDeletingLastPathComponent: String
+ public var deletingLastPathComponent: String
- public var stringByDeletingPathExtension: String
+ public var deletingPathExtension: String
- public var stringByExpandingTildeInPath: String
+ public var expandingTildeInPath: String
- public func stringByFoldingWithOptions(
- options: NSStringCompareOptions, locale: NSLocale?
- ) -> String
+ public func folding(
+ options: NSStringCompareOptions = [], locale: NSLocale?
+ ) -> String
- public func stringByPaddingToLength(
- newLength: Int, withString padString: String, startingAtIndex padIndex: Int
- ) -> String
+ public func padding(
+ toLength newLength: Int,
+ with padString: String,
+ startingAt padIndex: Int
+ ) -> String
- public var stringByRemovingPercentEncoding: String?
+ public var removingPercentEncoding: String?
- public func stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(
- range: Range<Index>, withString replacement: String
- ) -> String
+ public func replacingCharacters(
+ in range: Range<Index>, with replacement: String
+ ) -> String
- public func stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString(
- target: String,
- withString replacement: String,
- options: NSStringCompareOptions = [],
- range searchRange: Range<Index>? = nil
- ) -> String
+ public func replacingOccurrences(
+ of target: String,
+ with replacement: String,
+ options: NSStringCompareOptions = [],
+ range searchRange: Range<Index>? = nil
+ ) -> String
- public func stringByReplacingPercentEscapesUsingEncoding(
- encoding: NSStringEncoding
- ) -> String?
+ public func replacingPercentEscapes(
+ usingEncoding encoding: NSStringEncoding
+ ) -> String?
- public var stringByResolvingSymlinksInPath: String
+ public var resolvingSymlinksInPath: String
- public var stringByStandardizingPath: String
+ public var standardizingPath: String
- public func stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(set: NSCharacterSet) -> String
+ public func trimmingCharacters(in set: NSCharacterSet) -> String
- public func stringsByAppendingPaths(paths: [String]) -> [String]
+ public func strings(byAppendingPaths paths: [String]) -> [String]
- public func substringFromIndex(index: Index) -> String
+ public func substring(from index: Index) -> String
- public func substringToIndex(index: Index) -> String
+ public func substring(to index: Index) -> String
- public func substringWithRange(aRange: Range<Index>) -> String
+ public func substring(with aRange: Range<Index>) -> String
- public var localizedUppercaseString: String
+ public var localizedUppercase: String
- public func uppercaseStringWithLocale(locale: NSLocale?) -> String
+ public func uppercaseString(with locale: NSLocale?) -> String
- public func writeToFile(
- path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile:Bool,
- encoding enc: NSStringEncoding
- ) throws
+ public func write(
+ toFile path: String, atomically useAuxiliaryFile:Bool,
+ encoding enc: NSStringEncoding
+ ) throws
- public func writeToURL(
- url: NSURL, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool,
- encoding enc: NSStringEncoding
- ) throws
+ public func write(
+ to url: NSURL, atomically useAuxiliaryFile: Bool,
+ encoding enc: NSStringEncoding
+ ) throws
- public func stringByApplyingTransform(
- transform: String, reverse: Bool
- ) -> String?
+ public func applyingTransform(
+ transform: String, reverse: Bool
+ ) -> String?
- public func containsString(other: String) -> Bool
+ public func contains(other: String) -> Bool
- public func localizedCaseInsensitiveContainsString(other: String) -> Bool
+ public func localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(other: String) -> Bool
기타 변경 사항.
public struct EnumeratedIterator<Base : IteratorProtocol> : ... {
- public typealias Element = (index: Int, element: Base.Element)
+ public typealias Element = (offset: Int, element: Base.Element)
public struct Array<Element> : ... {
// Same changes were also applied to `ArraySlice` and `ContiguousArray`.
- public init(count: Int, repeatedValue: Element)
+ public init(repeating: Element, count: Int)
public protocol Sequence : ... {
public func split(
- maxSplit: Int = Int.max,
+ maxSplits maxSplits: Int = Int.max,
- allowEmptySlices: Bool = false,
+ omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = true,
@noescape isSeparator: (Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> [SubSequence]
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element : Equatable {
public func split(
- separator: Iterator.Element,
+ separator separator: Iterator.Element,
- maxSplit: Int = Int.max,
+ maxSplits maxSplits: Int = Int.max,
- allowEmptySlices: Bool = false
+ omittingEmptySubsequences: Bool = true
) -> [AnySequence<Iterator.Element>] {
public protocol Sequence : ... {
- public func lexicographicalCompare<
+ public func lexicographicallyPrecedes<
OtherSequence : Sequence where OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
other: OtherSequence,
@noescape isOrderedBefore: (Iterator.Element, Iterator.Element) throws -> Bool
) rethrows -> Bool {
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element : Equatable {
- public func lexicographicalCompare<
+ public func lexicographicallyPrecedes<
OtherSequence : Sequence where OtherSequence.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
other: OtherSequence
) -> Bool {
public protocol Collection : ... {
- func prefixUpTo(end: Index) -> SubSequence
+ func prefix(upTo end: Index) -> SubSequence
- func suffixFrom(start: Index) -> SubSequence
+ func suffix(from start: Index) -> SubSequence
- func prefixThrough(position: Index) -> SubSequence
+ func prefix(through position: Index) -> SubSequence
// Changes to this protocol affect `Array`, `ArraySlice`, `ContiguousArray` and
// other types.
public protocol RangeReplaceableCollection : ... {
+ public init(repeating repeatedValue: Iterator.Element, count: Int)
- mutating func replaceRange<
+ mutating func replaceSubrange<
C : CollectionType where C.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
subRange: Range<Int>, with newElements: C
- mutating func insert(newElement: Iterator.Element, atIndex i: Int)
+ mutating func insert(newElement: Iterator.Element, at i: Int)
- mutating func insertContentsOf<
+ mutating func insert<
S : Collection where S.Iterator.Element == Iterator.Element
- >(newElements: S, at i: Index)
+ >(contentsOf newElements: S, at i: Index)
- mutating func removeAtIndex(index: Int) -> Element
+ mutating func remove(at index: Int) -> Element
- mutating func removeAll(keepCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false)
+ mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepingCapacity: Bool = false)
- mutating func removeRange(subRange: Range<Index>)
+ mutating func removeSubrange(subRange: Range<Index>)
- mutating func appendContentsOf<S : SequenceType>(newElements: S)
+ mutating func append<S : SequenceType>(contentsOf newElements: S)
+extension Set : SetAlgebra {}
public struct Dictionary<Key : Hashable, Value> : ... {
- public typealias Element = (Key, Value)
+ public typealias Element = (key: Key, value: Value)
public struct DictionaryLiteral<Key, Value> : ... {
- public typealias Element = (Key, Value)
+ public typealias Element = (key: Key, value: Value)
extension String {
- public mutating func appendContentsOf(other: String) {
+ public mutating func append(other: String) {
- public mutating appendContentsOf<S : SequenceType>(newElements: S)
+ public mutating append<S : SequenceType>(contentsOf newElements: S)
- public mutating func replaceRange<
+ public mutating func replaceSubrange<
C: CollectionType where C.Iterator.Element == Character
subRange: Range<Index>, with newElements: C
- public mutating func replaceRange(
+ public mutating func replaceSubrange(
subRange: Range<Index>, with newElements: String
- public mutating func insert(newElement: Character, atIndex i: Index)
+ public mutating func insert(newElement: Character, at i: Index)
- public mutating func insertContentsOf<
+ public mutating func insert<
S : Collection where S.Iterator.Element == Character
- >(newElements: S, at i: Index)
+ >(contentsOf newElements: S, at i: Index)
- public mutating func removeAtIndex(i: Index) -> Character
+ public mutating func remove(at i: Index) -> Character
- public mutating func removeRange(subRange: Range<Index>)
+ public mutating func removeSubrange(subRange: Range<Index>)
- mutating func removeAll(keepCapacity keepCapacity: Bool = false)
+ mutating func removeAll(keepingCapacity keepingCapacity: Bool = false)
- public init(count: Int, repeatedValue c: Character)
+ public init(repeating repeatedValue: Character, count: Int)
- public init(count: Int, repeatedValue c: UnicodeScalar)
+ public init(repeating repeatedValue: UnicodeScalar, count: Int)
- public var utf8: UTF8View { get }
+ public var utf8: UTF8View { get set }
- public var utf16: UTF16View { get }
+ public var utf16: UTF16View { get set }
- public var characters: CharacterView { get }
+ public var characters: CharacterView { get set }
public enum UnicodeDecodingResult {
- case Result(UnicodeScalar)
- case EmptyInput
- case Error
+ case scalarValue(UnicodeScalar)
+ case emptyInput
+ case error
public struct ManagedBufferPointer<Value, Element> : ... {
- public var allocatedElementCount: Int { get }
+ public var capacity: Int { get }
public struct RangeIterator<Element : ForwardIndex> : ... {
- public var startIndex: Element { get set }
- public var endIndex: Element { get set }
public struct ObjectIdentifier : ... {
- public var uintValue: UInt { get }
extension UInt {
+ /// Create a `UInt` that captures the full value of `objectID`.
+ public init(_ objectID: ObjectIdentifier)
extension Int {
+ /// Create an `Int` that captures the full value of `objectID`.
+ public init(_ objectID: ObjectIdentifier)
-public struct Repeat<Element> : ... { ... }
+public struct Repeated<Element> : ... { ... }
public struct StaticString : ... {
- public var byteSize: Int { get }
+ public var utf8CodeUnitCount: Int { get }
// Use the 'String(_:)' initializer.
- public var stringValue: String { get }
extension Strideable {
- public func stride(to end: Self, by stride: Stride) -> StrideTo<Self>
+public func stride<T : Strideable>(from start: T, to end: T, by stride: T.Stride) -> StrideTo<T>
extension Strideable {
- public func stride(through end: Self, by stride: Stride) -> StrideThrough<Self>
+public func stride<T : Strideable>(from start: T, through end: T, by stride: T.Stride) -> StrideThrough<T>
public func transcode<
Input : IteratorProtocol,
InputEncoding : UnicodeCodec,
OutputEncoding : UnicodeCodec
where InputEncoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element>(
inputEncoding: InputEncoding.Type, _ outputEncoding: OutputEncoding.Type,
_ input: Input, _ output: (OutputEncoding.CodeUnit) -> Void,
- stopOnError: Bool
+ stoppingOnError: Bool
) -> Bool
extension UnsafeMutablePointer {
- public static func alloc(num: Int) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<Pointee>
+ public init(allocatingCapacity count: Int)
- public func dealloc(num: Int)
+ public func deallocateCapacity(count: Int)
- public func initialize(newvalue: Memory)
+ public func initializePointee(newValue: Pointee, count: Int = 1)
- public func move() -> Memory
+ public func take() -> Pointee
- public func destroy()
- public func destroy(count: Int)
+ public func deinitializePointee(count count: Int = 1)
-public struct COpaquePointer : ... { ... }
+public struct OpaquePointer : ... { ... }
-public func unsafeAddressOf(object: AnyObject) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
+public func unsafeAddress(of object: AnyObject) -> UnsafePointer<Void>
-public func unsafeBitCast<T, U>(x: T, _: U.Type) -> U
+public func unsafeBitCast<T, U>(x: T, to: U.Type) -> U
-public func unsafeDowncast<T : AnyObject>(x: AnyObject) -> T
+public func unsafeDowncast<T : AnyObject>(x: AnyObject, to: T.Type) -> T
-public func print<Target: OutputStream>(
+public func print<Target : OutputStream>(
items: Any...,
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n",
- inout toStream output: Target
+ inout to output: Target
-public func debugPrint<Target: OutputStream>(
+public func debugPrint<Target : OutputStream>(
items: Any...,
separator: String = " ",
terminator: String = "\n",
- inout toStream output: Target
+ inout to output: Target
public struct Unmanaged<Instance : AnyObject> {
- public func toOpaque() -> COpaquePointer
extension OpaquePointer {
+ public init<T>(bitPattern bits: Unmanaged<T>)
public enum UnicodeDecodingResult
+ : Equatable {
- public var isEmptyInput: Bool
-public func readLine(stripNewline stripNewline: Bool = true) -> String?
+public func readLine(strippingNewline strippingNewline: Bool = true) -> String?
struct UnicodeScalar {
// Use 'UnicodeScalar("\0")' instead.
- init()
- public func escape(asASCII forceASCII: Bool) -> String
+ public func escaped(asASCII forceASCII: Bool) -> String
public func transcode<
Input : IteratorProtocol,
InputEncoding : UnicodeCodec,
OutputEncoding : UnicodeCodec
where InputEncoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element
- inputEncoding: InputEncoding.Type, _ outputEncoding: OutputEncoding.Type,
- _ input: Input, _ output: (OutputEncoding.CodeUnit) -> Void,
- stoppingOnError stopOnError: Bool
+ input: Input,
+ from inputEncoding: InputEncoding.Type,
+ to outputEncoding: OutputEncoding.Type,
+ stoppingOnError stopOnError: Bool,
+ sendingOutputTo processCodeUnit: (OutputEncoding.CodeUnit) -> Void
) -> Bool
extension UTF16 {
- public static func measure<
+ public static func transcodedLength<
Encoding : UnicodeCodec, Input : IteratorProtocol
where Encoding.CodeUnit == Input.Element
- _: Encoding.Type, input: Input, repairIllFormedSequences: Bool
+ of input: Input,
+ decodedAs sourceEncoding: Encoding.Type,
+ repairingIllFormedSequences: Bool
- ) -> (Int, Bool)?
+ ) -> (count: Int, isASCII: Bool)? {
-public struct RawByte {}
-final public class VaListBuilder {}
-public func withVaList<R>(
- builder: VaListBuilder,
- @noescape _ f: CVaListPointer -> R)
--> R
제안된 변경 사항은 Swift 코드에 큰 영향을 미치며, Swift 2 코드를 Swift 3 코드로 변환하기 위해 마이그레이션 도구가 필요하다. 이 제안에서 나온 API 차이가 필요한 변환에 대한 주요 정보 소스가 될 것이다. 또한, 언어가 허용하는 범위 내에서 라이브러리는 기존 이름을 renamed
주석과 함께 사용 불가능한 심볼로 유지할 것이다. 이를 통해 컴파일러가 명확한 오류 메시지를 생성하고 Fix-Its를 제공할 수 있다.